Who we are

We are John Black Memorial United Church; a church with a future, happily celebrating and struggling to share God’s love here and now, mindful of our proud heritage.

We are a Worshiping Community- We meet regularly on Sunday at 10:30 to worship God and gain the strength to be the church where ever we find ourselves during the week. On Sunday you will be greeted at the door by one of the many welcomers, invited to have a coffee, or shown where to put your coat. Sunday school is available in all but the summer months, and is created for children from three years to teens of thirteen years.

On a week day if you enter our church building you may be met by our administrative assistant Pat Johnstonor our ministry staff. On differing days you may encounter people making pies, collecting food for the West Broadway Ministry, or having various meetings to talk about our ongoing pastoral care and worship life.  If you arrive in the evening you may hear the joyful noise of Sparks and Scouts, or hear the choir rehearsing for Sunday service. 

Ministry to the home bound-

Not all of John Black Memorial Members are able to physically attend worship services but we do our best to go to them, Our Pastoral Care team visits or calls the home bound and those in personal care. As well as visiting the Pastoral care team takes handmade prayer shawls to anyone who may need a reminder they are surrounded in love. 

We are part of the United Church of Canada, which has been made up of the Congregationalist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Evangelical Brethren Churches.  As a union church we respect each other’s differences and through the love of Christ try to be faithful to the Spirit calling us to open our hearts and doors to all who God loves and calls us to serve and call family. Although we are called and empowered by the Spirit we are not tossed and turned by every new idea. We are the church- Christians who believe in Jesus, who have been saved by grace, who need forgiveness and to give forgiveness, who do not have all the answers but are willing to search for them by following with others the one who was called the Way the Truth and the Life. We live this out by welcoming everyone to worship, believer and seeker, and inviting all who faithfully desire to follow in the way of Jesus to share, and have their children share in the sacrament of Holy Communion. 

We are part of a greater Christian Community,

John Black joins with Christians around the world in celebrating World Wide Communion the first Sunday of October, and participates with other churches in the World Day of Prayer in November.

It is delightful to work and worship with other Christian denominations in the area. John Black meets with a group of other churches (Holy Catholic Redeemer, River East Mennonite, Springfield Heights Mennonite, and St. Stephen`s Anglican) which call ourselves the North East Ecumenical Committee. At least once a year we celebrate a public worship open to all in a church or community centre. (See coming events for an upcoming service)

We are part of the Kildonan and Winnipeg Community

Our Blue Christmas Service in November or early December is a quiet Christmas service open to the public, for those who feel some sort of loss, and find it difficult to celebrate the birth of Christ with loud festive carols, and a barrage of multi colored lights.

We do outreach in the community and invites anyone who chooses to join us. We share in the United Church mission to West Broadway Community Ministries by providing support, pastoral care, and lunches. We have an ongoing collection of food for their emergency food bank, and a special annual drive called Toonies for Tuna to buy canned meat.

The Christmas Cheer Board becomes a focus at holiday time as we donate food for hampers and invite folks to donate mittens for the mitten tree which are distributed to area schools, and charities.


We are part of the Global Community.

As we extend our focus from local to Global by giving the opportunity to donate to the Canadian Food Grains Bank the first Sunday of every month , and participating in Just Christmas in December. Our blanket making team, stitches blankets for the Mennonite Central Committee, who gives them to their aid projects.

Once a month in worship we highlight the work of the United Church’s Mission and Service Fund and encourage people to include this ministry as part of their regular weekly offerings.

Who are we? We invite you to come and see.

Regular gatherings:

The Choir: The choir meets Wednesday evenings at 6:30, for rehearsal and shares in worship Jan- May, and after the September long weekend to the end of December.

The Leadership Team

Upcoming events

Bible Studies/Theme studies

Blue Christmas

Market Day

Christmas Craft and Bake Sale